German-American Folklore Through Song

Ties to Folklore


The ties from German-American Folklore through song to the greater understanding of folklore as a whole is numerous. German-American Folklore fits within the frame of singing and playing instruments. The singing itself is ritualistic, happening in groups. This can be done at home, or in gathering places such as bars or restrauns, usually German owned and run. There are even instances of lyrics being posted on walls so that patrons can sing along even if they don't know the lyrics. The subject of German-American folkloristic songs are, in some ways, in antithesis to other cultures found in the Americas. Taussig's "The Baptism of Money, and the Secret of Capital," they outline how one culture that was observed had a negative view of Capitalism. Viewing Capitalism as unnatural, they share a similar view with Aristotle, in that, money should not be spent to make more money. On the other hand, German-American songs often-times center around making money, participating in capitalism, and prospering in America. Other themes include Beer, the old country, seeking new horizons and many more.

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