German-American Folklore Through Song

Works Cited

Basso, Keith. "'Stalking with Stories': Names Places and Moral Narratives among the Western Apache." in Text, Play and Story: The Construction and Reconstruction of Self and Society, ed. Edward Bruner, 19-55. Washington D.C.: American Ethnological Society. While this source doesn't relate directly to the subject at hand, it was very influential in the ways that I now understand folklore in a culture.
Halpert, Herbert. “American Regional Folklore.” in The Journal of American Folklore, 355-72. University of Illinois Press, 1947.
Keel, William D. “A German-American Icon: O, du schöne Schnitzelbank!” in Yearbook of German-American Studies, 221-53. Yearbook of German American Studies, 2003.
Milnes, Humphrey. “German Folklore in Ontario.” in The Journal of American Folklore, 35-43. University of Illinois Press, 1954.
Stephens, Martine. "Folklore;" "Groups." in Living Folklore: an introduction of the study of people and their traditions, 1-68. Utah State University Press, 2011.